Leading with Head and Heart


It’s What Makes Us Different That Makes Us Great

What drives individual growth, team building, and genuine accomplishment in your organization or businesses?


Less drama, more personal and professional development, and a commitment to everyone’s success. This is why we at Lync3 have trained and received certification in a variety of productive, well-researched assessment tools—tools that build lasting solutions for individuals, teams, and entire organizations.  


Lync3’s CEO, Mary Christensen has spent years examining and learning what makes individuals, teams, and leaders perform effectively. Her gift of thoughtful listening, coupled with her desire to help others grow professionally and spiritually make her an exceptional leader and partner.


Mary is committed to helping others understand their own gifts and areas in need of growth. She sees past limitations and builds confidence in others. This is what makes her such an exceptional partner.  This is also why we say, “It’s what makes us different, that makes us great.”


Tell me more...

Learn how today’s workplace challenges fueled by people problems can benefit from researched-backed behavior, motivation and EQ assessments for individuals, employees and leaders—assessments that clarify essential insights that you and your organization need to thrive.



Discover how four dimensions of behavior (DISC) can reveal actions and needs necessary for individuals, partners, and teams to grow.


12 Driving Forces

Discover and reveal what motivates you, and your employees. When you experience the 12 Driving Forces, you will start to understand the why behind people's actions.



Benefit from an emotional intelligence (EQ) assessment that identifies an individual’s ability to understand and regulate self and social situations.

Leadership Acceleration & Living a Purposeful Retirement Planning

Mary comes to Leadership Acceleration and Living a Purposeful Retirement Planning task with a commitment to guiding, mentoring, and maintaining integrity. Leadership growth is where Lync3 shines. This highly effective process cultivates client leaders’ Insights, empathy, and courage to lead. The relationship-based program is more than a consultation. It’s a pathway to future success.

This Leadership Acceleration model provides a carefully structured solution that empowers clients to advance their most vital leader assets, while maintaining focus on their missions and operations.

Living a Purposeful Retirement Planning model supports individuals as they prepare a purposeful and satisfying retired phase of life. This important life transition includes a multi-science assessment that clearly defines an individual’s potential. Additionally, it heightens that individual’s awareness, improves alignment, and provides one on one retirement planning coaching.

Lync3’s Cultural Systems Transformation offers organizations a tested process for appraising and transforming their culture. This is achieved by partnering with clients to evaluate their organization’s norms, mores, and behaviors. This work prepares the organization for a high level of performance and leadership acceleration success by:

  • Developing an environment that contributes to personal and professional wellbeing
  • Establishing a system of organizational community, self-awareness, and new practice skills to assess progress and absorb mores and behaviors throughout organization
  • Attending to feedback-learning process that changes current culture to one that serves as a springboard for transforming and innovating across the enterprise

Organization Acceleration fully supports creative and effective strategy in a changing world of business. It achieves this by connecting critical organizational goals and values. This process enables leadership talent to complete projects and “heavy lifting” initiatives.

Mary has been working with C-Suite leaders for over 20 years. This work has grown out of her experience, purpose, and passion for working with individuals who like to learn and grow within their environment. These individuals have tended to be constant learners, curious, and growth oriented.

Additionally, Mary has committed her life and work to following Jesus. This includes helping individuals apply the gifts of God’s love to their lives and to the lives of those with whom they have relationships.


Lync3’s expert performance acceleration services help you and your organization by:


Communicating effectively, reduce friction, appreciate one another, and grow stronger as an individual


Sharpening your managers’ hiring skills


Retaining excellent employees by recognizing their development needs


Benchmarking essential skills required for a particular employment position


Enhancing effective communication among and between individuals and teams


Identifying culture and human resource tools for new and existing employees

What Others Have To Say...


Mary Christensen, CEO, 5865 Neal Ave. N. 195, Stillwater, MN, 55082; maryc@lync3.com 952-221-5329